Through the magic of the Internet, I finally found the legendary Jimmy Kwok. Turns out there's a fan site devoted to his voice dubbing work on TVB, voicing such classic animated series as《聖鬥士星矢》、《櫻桃小丸子》、《美少女戰士》. That site listed his current email address, and by sheer coincidence he was actually on his way to Hong Kong when I wrote to him. So we finally met on the top floor of the Four Seasons Hote yesterday. He hadn't lost his sense of humour, but he seemed to be at a crossroad in his life. He had decided not to pursue a master's degree in social work, but found it difficult to find a good job with his current degree. I asked him whether he still wanted to do theatre, and he told me that it had always been a hobby rather than a career for him, a way to party with his friends. He was pondering a move back to Hong Kong, but his boyfriend's architectural career was already well established in New York. As night began to fall outside, I sensed a certain frustration in his voice, perhaps even bitterness. I hope things work out for him. He should come back and do more voice-over work and re-launch Jimmy's Corner Theatre Company. His fans miss him!
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