看過「烈日當空」,一面看一面看錶。每一場都精心設計,但卻空洞蒼白又沒有劇力。大部分的場口只為了表達一個狀態,但卻沒有再進一步的發展。如其中一場一個角色索K後到母親房中在她的床上狂跳,跳了幾分鐘便去下一場,白白浪費了這場戲。而應有劇力的幾場如新年打架,卻拍得混亂不堪,之後一場眾人在廁所互相質問,無端端個個大哭,但劇情對白卻帶不到那個情緒,令這場主戲完全沒有張力。另一場梁曉豐在醫院為昏迷的朋友拔喉了結他生命,之前沒有交代他們的感情,令到拔喉這動作失去意義,徒把音樂聲浪調高也沒有感染力。最吊詭的是導演的品味和意圖基本上是煸情的,好幾場的處理如便利店斬人一幕,那遇害小孩哭聲震天,鏡頭不斷影著他血淋淋的大頭近鏡,但我看著卻只覺煩厭。因為這場戲的焦點本應落在那店員:他面對這個曾經打傷他朋友的落難小孩會如何抉擇--幫助他?置他不顧?落井下石?但導演卻只安排他呆坐在門邊,literally sitting on the fence,令這場充滿戲劇潛力的戲無論怎樣intense地對剪,都只是一場「空戲」悶戲。
不過令我覺得最難頂的是片中排山倒海的fat jokes,對像是那個胖同學,差不多每一場有他的戲都會有人拿他的身材開玩笑,「死肥仔」、「用脂肪諗野」等不絕於耳。第一次已不好笑,到第十次我有衝動致電平機會投訴麥導演。《來生不做中國人》其中一章寫中國人的沒同情心和樣貌歧視,在這部片中可說表露無遺,令人心寒的是導演只有23歲,對香港未來一代的人民素質不容樂觀。
i think they always tell fat jokes because they don't know each others' personalities that much, so to sustain a conversation they always pick on others appearance. And that fat guy in the film doesn't mind. As a 19 hk teen, I can say most people around me do similar things. And fat jokes are not really that HK(though we have a steep tendency in talking too much about slimming). Think fattie fattie boom boom in Little Britain.
Maybe because I am a teenager, I have a bias for this film. Some parts of the film can be cringe-inducing, like that "suddenly everyone cry in the toilet" scene. But then the unpolish-ness of the director and actors is something interesting to see too. And I must say, like myself, many teens now cannot express their emotions that well, so they all just have a mental break down and cry. It may be an accurate portrait of how we deal with emotional problems. See those videos on youtube in which young couples break up on the street. They just stand there silently for 5 min, then they start to cry and the girl hitting the boy and all those drama...
I think the fat jokes reflect more on the insensitivity of the director than that of the characters.
BTW, you are shockingly articulate for a teenager, no strike that, for a person of any age. Are you very into films?
aww... I am extremely flattered! thanks for your compliment! My parents always say that I am too blunt when I speak. but then I am not really that good, some of my friends master language even more skilfully and expressively.. There are many crouching tigers in hk, i always believe.
I like watching and discovering films, but I see it as a mirror more than a "thing" that I like. so I don't think 'no film no life'...
do you think that those fat jokes etc contents are unnecessary, despite this phenomenon happens in lives of hk teenagers?
but if this is the language they really use, why is it not a good idea to add it into the film?
I think there is a difference between being critical of reality and simply presenting reality. The former requires some sort of reflection on the part of the creator, the latter doesn't. I think an artist has a duty to be a kind of social critic. A film that simply presents the status quo, particularly when that status quo is unjust or problematic, is a lesser film in my eyes. As for why do I think 烈日當空 belongs in the latter category, it has to do with the portrayal and presentation of the fat character, which shows an unawareness of the fact that laughing at other people's fatness could be problematic.
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