Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Saw J's new film. It was less than spectacular--touristy, simple minded, vacuous. I chided her on wasting too much time on the trivialities of life, always running around like a headless chicken. But aren't we all guilty of the same thing? For the past few weeks I've been innundated with work. I should be using this time on my studies if I want to graduate on time. As Nate says in Six Feet Under, so much of life is just static. Zzzzzzzz...

Saw Ying Liang's The Other Half at the HKIFF. A minor masterpiece--great acting, good research, wonderful style.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My next phone

I've never been a very materialistic person, but this phone really is the bomb! It's so compact that it's like an MP3 player with phone function, not the other way around. I'll never miss any calls when I play my music too loud!