Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Think for yourselves

張翠容的blog內跟她討論中大學生報事件,作為一位資深記者,她的論點出奇的保守。她說:「 我只感到中大學生報情色版的文字也實在太下流,難道我們要保護這些下流的文字嗎?」
我的回應是引述Voltaire的名句,"I disagree with what you say, but I will fight to death for your right to say it."--每個人都有表達自由,不能剝奪別的的表達權,那怕你本人多麼反感也好,才是自由社會的精神。

不過今天想說那句很出名的quote原來不是出自Voltaire之口,而是來自一本1906年出版的Voltaire傳記 The Friends of Voltaire, 作者是 Evelyn Beatrice Hall,那個quote不是說話,而是一個單引號內的characterization: 'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,' was his [Voltaire's] attitude now. 但後人把這句說話廣泛流傳當作是Voltaire的「名句」。Hall 後來說是paraphrase了Voltaire在Essay on Tolerance 說的 ``Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too.''


Sunday, May 27, 2007


(為何Gary要以Screen 琵琶半掩臉?)

今年香港傳媒報導康城的手法比以前進步不少,往年每逢有華人參與的作品都被吹捧成為影展大熱,得獎呼聲最高云云。其實大部分記者都不會(或不懂)看電影,評判在頒獎前也不會對外說什麼,所謂大熱只是記者道聽途說,或瞎猜出來的。可能經過幾次這類預測落空後,今年的報導比較踏實,沒有一面倒撐王家衛,和至少給人知道這個世界除了華人外還有其他人,好像今天蘋果訪問了麥聖希和黃國兆,分別品評了幾部影評盛讚的真正大熱作品如Coen Brothers 的新片《No Country For Old Men》、羅馬尼亞新導演Cristian Mungiu《 4 Months, 3 Weeks And 2 Days 》和Sukorov的《Alexandra》等。

另外值得一讚的是有線記者陳貝兒,她在《Ocean's Thirteen》記招質問Soderberg為何片中角色醜化華人,問到他口啞啞很牛B。另外陳貝兒又很難得地訪問到木村(日本management出名排外,她在背後肯定花了很多功夫才獲得這訪問。)而木村又不負眾望,訪問中很charming,還很flirty的在陳的手掌心寫字,整個訪問娛樂性滿分。但這女孩非池中物,希望接她棒的像她一樣努力吧。

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sinead's back!

Thank God Sinead changed her mind about recording nothing but reggae albums for the rest of her career, considering the rather mediocre "Throw Down Your Arms" a couple years back. Her upcoming album, "Theology", is based on Psalms from the Bible. Can't wait for the remix.



Sunday, May 20, 2007



Saturday, May 19, 2007


果然有人投訴「金瓶梅」,還有格林童話,但大部分不獲受理。王永平說「人類歷史留傳已久的宗教文憲及文學作品」都不會交淫裁處評級。原來不雅與否並不關乎內容,而是流傳有多久。那流傳的時間又有沒有客觀標準去評核?「秋天的童話」只流傳了十多年,明顯不合標準,所以十多年前播映沒事,今天卻可視作不雅。那已有近三十年歷史的「深喉」、「艾曼妞」呢?跟據流傳已久的文學作品拍成的新電影如「新金瓶梅」又如何?還有古印度性/愛經典Karma Sutra呢?王又說「希望公眾記得淫褻及不雅物品管制條例的精神,是哪些文字、圖片、皷物會令一般正常、有理性人士覺得是淫褻及不雅。」究竟誰才算是正常和有理性,是那二十多個投訴中大學生報的人還是二千多個投訴聖經的人?果真是真理越辯越明,歪理越辯越糊塗。


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Complain, complain, complain!


還有,請各界知識份子別再批評學生報文筆稚嫩,分析力不夠之類了(that means you,梁文道) ,because that's so beside the point.你以為若學生報的文章流麗,用詞精煉,衛道之士便不會投訴嗎?這是個關於言論自由之戰,在戰爭中不應給敵方彈藥。這就是左派知識份子在政治上老吃虧的原因,他們總take issues at face value,一本正經的多角度分析,遠不及對方一鎚定音的鏗鏘有力。當然我不是反智地否定理性分析,but the battlefield is not the place for it.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007




Saturday, May 12, 2007




Friday, May 11, 2007


大學生報發問卷問一些很innocent,毫無指向性的問題如「你會唔會幻想同父母或兄弟姊妹造愛」、「你最想同乜野動物造愛」卻被禁。Censorship最可怕的地方是只需要有小數人不同意你的觀點便可禁止所有人觀看/閱讀任何東西,更吊詭的是從來沒有任何學術研究可確定觀看/閱讀文本與行為的關係 (參閱Majorie Heins 的 Not in Front of the Children),但站在道德高位的人卻樂此不疲地用「破壞社會道德」之類的籍口來鉗制言論,實在令人氣結。

中大學生報情色有幾淫賤?Judge for yourself.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


昨天看港台節目「人間寫真」,暴風少年+木工廠背景明顯向Dardenne Brothers 「致敬」,但總算拍得比一般港台劇自然流暢,後段主角偷東西被毆和打鼓對剪和舞獅與父親意外平衡剪接都具感染力,結尾主角重遊舊地以幾個無聲flashback鏡頭交代過去亦不落俗套。於是集中精神看credits,原來是拍《爸》和《媽》的陳大利的外判作品,可說為幾代不聞兒啼的浸大電影電視系增光。


Monday, May 7, 2007

Was Jesus pro-gay?

Was Jesus pro-gay? Some scholars see evidence for this in the story of the Roman centurion (Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10).

A centurion came to Jesus asking him to heal his servant, who was stricken by some paralyzing disease. Jesus said he was willing to go to the centurion's house, but the latter said that he did deserve to have Jesus come to his house. Rather, one word from Jesus was enough to heal his servant. Jesus praised the centurion for his faith and pronounced the servant healed.

Apparently the servant in this tale is no ordinary servant. The Greek word that refers to him, pais, has a range of meanings, and the most likely one, given the context, is that of a slave boy (usually a teenager) used to provide sexual services to Roman soldiers, a very common practice in that period. Very often when these teenagers grow up they join the auxiliary army. So a first century reader of Matthew and Luke, upon reading that a centurion asked Jesus to heal his pais, would immediately understand the nature of the relationship. Perhaps the author of the Gospel of John was sufficiently concerned about this issue that he made the centurion a Jewish father trying to save his son.

Now Jesus, instead of saying, "Fuck off, you pervert" or "Serves you right for living in sin", simply told the centurion, "I will go and heal him." But to say that Jesus in this story affirmed a gay relationship seems to take the story out of its historical context. The modern concept of homosexuality simply did not exist in Biblical times. In the same way that many scholars think that 1 Corinthian 6:9-10 has nothing to do with gays, the form of relations 'affirmed' by Jesus--purchasing a boy in his mid teens and using him for sexual gratification--is something most modern gays would find alien, if not abhorrent (well, some modern gays.)

What I find touching about this story is that Jesus didn't make any judgements about the centurion's lifestyle. He simply responded to someone in need in a forceful, direct way. Whether or not Jesus was 'pro-gay' becomes a non-issue.

Further Reading

The Other Half

Ying Liang's The Other Half just won the top prize at Jeonju International Film Festival. The prize money of US$10000 roughly equals the film's entire budget. Congratulations!