Friday, November 20, 2009

Dubai Nobu


有一晚開完一整天會後去了Palm Island 的商場,的士經過一排排十室九空的豪宅,像鬼城,幸好商場人流不錯。我們在Nobu吃飯,這一餐比較印像深的菜色有yellow tail with jalapeno pepper, 薄薄的yellowtail shashimi加上醬汁和一小片辣辣的jalapeno pepper,很開胃。另外招牌菜black cod with miso,吃進去味道很熟悉,原來在加拿大拍《只愛陌生人》時常常在家弄,做法超簡單:用甜米酒mirin加sake加白麵鼓醬醃魚塊一晚,也不用太理會份量,反正把魚完全浸在醬汁中,第二天淋少量醃汁在魚上放進焗爐焗七至十分鐘便可以。最後有澳洲Wagyu牛肉,不過我最感興趣是旁邊那pat 薯蓉,creamy中有輕輕的wasabi味,配搭得剛剛好不太「陋」,我幾乎一個人包辦了整pat。

曾幾何時很不屑這種fine dining,覺得憑什麼吃一頓飯等於很多國內同胞一個月的薪金,太折福。長大後看開了點,一來不是真的那麼貴,而且反正這些人不吃這一頓也不會把錢捐出來,又或者他們同時豪吃又幫助很多窮人也說不定!

Sunday, November 15, 2009



阿關說拍《阮玲玉》最辛苦的一場,schedule連續拍36小時,大家困在一個密封的影廠,室外氣溫三十多度,裡面更加熱得像焗桑拿,導演穿著背心已大 汗淋漓,演員穿著戲服更辛苦,旗袍不足幾分鐘便被濕透,要用風筒吹乾。這場戲演員眾多,他們都快受不了。其中四位主要演員:張曼玉、梁家輝、葉童和吳啟華 當時都是陳自強旗下藝人,他們對阿關說:「我打電話給陳自強叫他容許我們分三天拍吧,老豆疼我們,一定會答應。」於是這些大名星輪流打給陳自強說項,但都碰釘子,被他一一回絕。原來何冠昌早已下令:一毛錢也不再給,陳自強也只得硬起心腸。最後他們只得硬著頭皮熬下去。多年之後,葉童有一次跟陳自強吃飯,談起拍電影的苦樂,也提起這場戲,但她早已忘記誰是這部電影的監製,還駡這部片的監製多沒人性,陳自強說:「我就是那個監製呀!」



Wednesday, November 4, 2009

This is it?

I have no idea why people rave about this film so much, as if they've never seen MJ in action before. Don't get me wrong. This is it proves once and for all that MJ's talent was massive and undeniable, and at 50 years old, he still had it. His moves were still sharp and his voice was beautiful. But it's nothing we haven't seen or heard before. His dance moves are exactly the same as in his hayday--the spins, the pelvic thrust, the moonwalk, the sideway sweeps, even the choreography to particular songs are the same. The 'new' visual elements are based on concepts from the old videos--Thriller is still set in a graveyard, except with different ghouls, and Smooth Criminal is still Chicagoland of the 1920s, just with a different set. The only part of the film I found moving was I'll be There because no one could sing this much-covered song like him--even though that whole shtick: calling out the names of his brothers, flashing old images of the Jackson 5 on screen, has also been done before at his previous concerts.

I wish we could have seen a personal side of MJ, but he remained elusive, as he had been throughout his career (except for a few awful, embarrassing moments in that BBC documentary ). His interactions with all the people working on the concert--musicians, dancers, the director, are distant and one-sided, with everyone bending over backwards to cater to his wishes. Did they bitch about him when he showed up hours late at rehearsals? Did they marvel at his surgically-abused face? Most of all, I want to know if MJ knew the O2 shows will never happen, that this is the final record of him that he leaves to the world, would he have done it differently?