Monday, December 1, 2014


Written and Directed by Simon Chung
Starring Pierre-Mathieu Vital and Gao Qilun
Hong Kong director, Simon Chung’s latest film, SPEECHLESS, rendered me just so when I first began to immerse myself in its quiet and patient beauty. It embodies a truly progressive movement in gay cinema, one where stories transcend the inherit issues that come with being gay without sacrificing them whatsoever. SPEECHLESS boasts a solid and sensitive screenplay that allows Chung’s visual language as a director to shine through. And you’ve gotta love a movie that starts with a hot French guy completely disrobing for a naked dip in a river somewhere in the middle of the incredibly picturesque South of China.

This naked man, known mostly throughout the film as the foreigner and played by Pierre-Mathieu Vital, says nothing to the Chinese police officers who bring him in after he is found on a river bank, passed out and being poked at with sticks by local children. They aren’t sure at first if he is just being difficult or not but eventually send him to a psychiatric hospital for treatment under the belief that his inability to speak is trauma induced. They are correct in their assumption and the rest of the film becomes a journey to piece together precisely what this mystery man is running away from. Luke, as we come to know the foreigner’s name to be later on, is joined by Jiang (Gao Qilun), a nurse who helps Luke escape the authorities to pursue his past. Their chemistry is undeniable.

The film may be called SPEECHLESS but Chung is anything but that, showcasing his voice as a director loud and clear with his latest. He exhibits great promise and confidence as a director with the potential to play to audiences around the world. By saying very little in the moment, SPEECHLESS speaks volumes long after its done.
SPEECHLESS has its Canadian Premiere at the 2012 Inside Out LGBT Film Festival in Toronto on Wednesday, May 22. Visit the festival website for more details.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014






 以上這張照片描繪1963年在Birmingham, Alabama的示威的情況,是黑人平權運動中其中一幅標誌性的照片。照片中的少年被兇猛的警犬襲擊,警員捉著他的衣領,但他垂下手沒有還擊,這少年成為和平示威的典範。這張照片一出,美國人都開始同情馬丁路德金和他的支持者,Birmingham的商界馬上屈服,取消很多歧視性的措施如餐廳內黑人白人分開用饍,同時答應聘請更多黑人等等。值得一提的是當時Birmingham的黑人怕失去工作,大多不敢走出來表態,照片中的示威只有一千多人參與,但已足以改寫歷史。

Thursday, July 3, 2014






被捕後我被帶上旅遊車,車上有大概二十多人,大部分是年青人,但也有五六個四、五十歲的中年人。差不多開車時,一個五十來歲的嬸嬸說需要上廁所,警員告訴她快要出發了 ,到了目的地才去吧。嬸嬸馬上哭起來,說廁所也不讓她上,大家也開始聲援,此起彼落地投訴警方無理剝奪人權,警員最後屈服,讓女警帶嬸嬸去廁所,人民小勝一仗。






Saturday, May 31, 2014

How twisted is Elliot Rodger?

I've been fascinated by Elliot Rodger, the "virgin killer" who massacred 6 people in Santa Barbara before killing himself last week, ever since I saw the video he took of himself announcing his intention to take revenge on humanity. I am reading his 140 page "manifesto" (which in reality is an autobiography detailing his life. Ever since the Unabomber, everything written by a mass killer is lazily referred to by the media as a manifesto) with great interest. It is in fact, very well written and lucid. I find no hint of insanity in any of his writing.

Sure, he was very lonely and angry at the world and the way he chose to take it out on the world is extreme and disagreeable, but I recognize all of his feelings and emotions, because I felt them just as keenly when I was his age. Like the sense of being insecure about myself, being alienated from other people, and watching with envy as other people seem to enjoy much better lives than me. The difference between him and me is that he shot and killed other people, while I wanted desperately to take a gun to my own head. The target may be different, but is not the instinct to do violence the same?

When horrendous incidents like Rodger's massacre happen, it is easy to brand the perpetrator as being a crazed monster, but in some respects, the problem with Rodger is not so much that he is abnormal; rather, he is too normal. His values are exactly the same as the society he finds himself, except that he is the loser within that society--the values that champion coolness, popularity, wealth, beauty and sexual prowess, that emphasize separateness and competition, that elevate romantic sexual relationships as being the pinnacle of human relations.  If only he knew what I know now, that these values are way more twisted than what Elliot Rodger did.

Elliot Rodger's Retribution from Noozhawk on Vimeo.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Sarah McLachlan Shine On

After the disappointing and bland Laws of Illusion in 2010, Sarah is back with a new album, Shine On. As the songstress says, "It's about being present in the moment and to Shine On through all of life's ups and downs. To grow and change and forgive and to find ways to give back to the world. This album is full o hope and gratitude." I'm happy to say, this album's a winner!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Flower of Enlightenment


Monday, March 17, 2014

My Showreel


Monday, February 3, 2014



Thursday, January 30, 2014


