Thursday, November 29, 2007

Midnight Oil

Congrats to Peter Garrett, formerly the lead vocalist for Midnight Oil, on being named Australia's environmental minister. Here's their mega hit from 1987, the very ahead of its time abo-anthem Beds are Burning. He looks exactly the same 20 years ago!

Now when will Bono become the president of Ireland?

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Spreken ze deutch?

Innocent is coming out in Germany. What a pretty DVD cover!

The little blurb seems to say the film is poetic and "wunderschönen"--wonderful?

I hope it'll sell enough to finance my next film!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


區議會選舉塵埃落定,民建聯大勝。坊間的評論不外乎說七一效應消失、民建聯地區工作較落力等。今天蘋果社評有一個較有趣的觀點,就是階級的因素。很多民建聯獲得新議席的地區,都是新移民或低下階層的集中地如屯門、新界北區等,中產階級較多的地區如港島南區、黃埔、太古城等,民建聯都沾不了甜頭。選舉結果的另一啟示是香港的階級化越來越嚴重,但吊詭的是,為何低下層要選擇保衛一個壓抑和剝削他們的制度?因為他們害怕失去他們僅有的一點點:失去工作、失去現有的生活,還有失去荔枝團與蛇宴。馬克思在Communitist Manifesto 說工人 have nothing to lose but your chains,當時已是錯的,放在香港更加不合時宜。爭取民主變成中產階級和專業人士的專利,說穿了,只因他們 have the most to gain from democracy而非民主是inherently superior的政制。

選民都是自私的,投你一票時都想知道 what's in it for me. 以我的選區為例,其中一個候選人的口號是「始終係你嘅好幫手」,另一個是「望夫石下,上馬」(因為他姓馬),最後你猜是誰勝出?這樣說當然是馬後炮,又ignore左好多其他因素如政績等,但亦顯示民主派的一個問題,就是往往著眼一些大原則(如民主是絕對好的,就如陳太的口號:請投良心一票),往往忽略了民主政制的基本遊戲規則:說服選民what's in it for them.

Saturday, November 17, 2007



Tuesday, November 13, 2007


最近開始了casting的工作,其中一個男孩很可愛,幾乎是love at first sight,他一進來不用開口我已覺得他很適合,希望價錢談得攏吧。拍了幾部戲,也沒發掘過什麼演藝奇材。主角中只有第一部短片《別鄉》的Oliver有繼續演戲,在imdb有一個演過一些電視片集的Oliver Williams不知是不是他。《史丹利》的Wes現在是芬佬(hedge fund manager),最近回流香港,幾個月前在CWB街頭碰見過。還有《心灰》的那個黃成業,現在已失去聯絡;《只愛陌生人》的Tim 在Aids Concern工作。

近日《蝙蝠俠》在香港取景,主角Christian Bale說他是第二次來港,第一次應該是二十年前,拍在大陸取景的Empire of the Sun的時候吧。究竟是史匹堡慧眼識英雄,看中了當時只有15歲的他的star potential,還是他演過史匹堡的戲之後得到更多注意和機會?也許兩者是互動的吧:有潛質和天份也要得到人家賞識才能發揮出來,而獲得重用才可使才華得到磨練,令演員變成明星。

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

End of an Era

Raymond Chow (who shares the same birthday as me) just sold his stake in Golden Harvest to Chengtian Entertainment Group, signaling the end of an era for Hong Kong cinema (although in terms of film production, the end happened four years ago when the studio made what was to be its last film, 行運超人 with Tony Leung and Miriam Yeung--hard to imagine Tony Leung in a comedy anymore!) . When will Mr. Shaw make his move? Hong Kong cinema now is a little reminiscent of Hollywood in the 1960s, with the old moguls retiring, old stars fading out (John Wayne/Clark Gable = Jacky Chan/Chow Yun-Fat?) and the whole industry in decline. But will we have our own Coppola, Scorcese and Spielberg to save the day?

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Fight it, homegirl!


Don't be a wimp! You have nothing to apologize for! Fight the charge, you'll win!! Stand up for freedom of expression, Douglas!

To send a message of support to him, click here.


基本法不是確保言論自由嗎?這分明是以言入罪,T-恤甚至沒有說「我是拾肆K」。警方一名黑社會專家表示:「 著住嗰件衫去收 陀地、晒馬,唔出聲都已經顯示 咗你嘅身份啦!」但收 陀地、晒馬才是罪,賣或著一件只印著「拾肆K」的T-恤不應是罪!