Thursday, April 24, 2008

Run Papa Run

Sylvia Chang's latest film, Run Papa Run is, like most of the director's previous works, both enjoyable and deeply flawed. This story about a triad big brother's attempt to ditch the criminal life for the sake of his daughter is very much in the same vein as many recent Hong Kong triad films like Inferno Affairs and Election that deals with the gentrification of triad bosses. In contrast to triad films of the past which presented a rough-and-tumble view of triad society, the latest crop of Hong Kong gangster films are filled with such middle class trappings as designer apartments (Infernal Affairs), high end stereo (ditto), red wine and Italian cuisine (Jiang Hu).

In Run Papa Run, the very plot of the film centers round the hero's search for bourgeois respectability, replete with church weddings and Catholic school. On the whole, I am touched by Leo Koo's character's affection for his daughter, but I am disturbed by the film's unquestioning championing of the middle-class ideal of family, with dad working a 'normal', respectable job and be in a monogamous (and chaste) relationship with mom. The film, on one level, deals with the emasculation of the Leo Koo character, domesticating him and finally erasing his very identity.
It is interesting to note that the film features a plethora of old Shaw Brothers/Golden Harvest stars in supporting roles: 狄龍 and wife 陶敏明, 苗可秀, 邵音音 and 陳惠敏. Their collective presence evokes a certain nostalgia for the old order--stable, respectable, patriarchic (as such, the scene in which Koo finally calls 狄龍 'dad' after refusing to do so for years is especially poignant) .

Monday, April 21, 2008


昨天在旺角看到民間電台的廣播,主持的是the usual suspects--阿牛、毓民、司徒華、劉慧卿、李卓仁等。當華叔談到他面臨被檢控,若被定罪他必然不交罸款以圖入獄時,我有說不出的感動。一個七十多歲的老人家為了自己所相信的原則,願意為此而犧牲自己的自由--沒有什麼比這行為更令人尊敬的了。

Sunday, April 13, 2008






Friday, April 11, 2008


發夢也猜不到有一天我會為張偉雄平反,但今天我在偶然的機會下看了「一角之戀」的最後40分鐘,並不是「港鏟片」講到咁一文不值。我看到他意圖營造 magical realism氣氛,劇情在超現實與現實之間交錯,效果頗特別。其中有一場開始時在街市,然後鏡頭緩緩pan左,看到原來兩位人物在拍戲,場面調度很精妙;之後一場女主角在片場訴說寂寞,後景是片場的工作人員繁忙地工作,一前一後的對比充份帶出主角的心情,這一場的剪接也很有心思。而被垢病的聲音和畫面太黑等,在小營幕看完全沒有問題。當然看張偉雄作品要預左有他一貫的毛病/風格:對白文藝腔,演技生硬,但他這一次並不是追求自然,所以對白與演出是有意圖的風格化,once觀眾「較啱台」,不再期待自然演出便不難投入。雖然我沒有看完整部作品,但已可看出「一角之戀」是部有野心、有意圖的作品,而張的風格和類型是獨立電影以至整個香港影圈罕見的,淨係最後這一點已值得鼓勵。

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


