Friday, September 21, 2012

Speechless DVD, German edition

I've been googling myself today, and found all sorts of new stuff, like the cover of the Speechless DVD, German edition. You like?


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sick in Rishikesh

Sunset over Rishikesh. I took this in a Beetles-themed restaurant overlooking the Ganges, where I ate something that made me so sick I was in bed for two days.On the second day the cook in the guesthouse made me a bowl of congee. Whereas the Chinese version of this dish is thick and mushy, Indian congee is more like rice in soup, flavored with curry, vegetables and fresh coriander. It was delicious.

Interstingly enough, it was during these two feverish days that I came up with the ending to my script, which had me stuck for two months.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dharamsala 的蠋光晚會

在Dharamsala的時候,有一天看見兩個藏族青年拿著大聲公「洗街」,原來是為當晚的集會作呼籲。旁晚廣場內聚集了一二百人,集會是為了紀念在八月底在西藏Amdo Ngaba 自焚的兩位年青藏族僧人,十多年來已有總共51人以此方式抗議中國統治。
