Tuesday, December 17, 2013



 昊Sir的給我的另一個恩是當年的市政局攪一個藝術家註場計劃,讓社區團體在市政局場地舉行工作坊。昊Sir是這計劃的顧問,他找了我和當時的同事陳錦樂一起舉辦錄像班。當年我沒什麼教學經驗,於是找來一些客藉講師包括崔允信、港台導演潘達培、錄影力量的鄭智雄等,學生還有剛由設計師轉而拍錄像的黃精甫,現在回想起來可算是頗有趣的經驗,這都是拜 昊Sir所賜。

Thursday, November 28, 2013




Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Stanley Reunion

My new script takes my short film, "Stanley Beloved" as a starting point, and tries to image what will happen to its protagonists, Jamie and Kevin, ten years down the line. Coincidentally, while at the gym one day, I caught a glimpse of Oliver Williams, who played Jamie, on TVB. He plays a butler in some sitcom.

It turns out he's been back in Hong Kong for a few years after studying in England and working as an actor there. We caught up last week. The last time I saw him was 14 years ago, when he did a cameo in "First Love and Other Pains". Wes, who played Kevin, is now married and is expecting his first child.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Words fail me

Source: http://www.jamesweggreview.org/Articles.aspx?ID=1527

4.5 stars out of five
by S. James Wegg

Reviewed at the 2012 Inside Out Toronto LGBT Film and Video Festival

Simon Chung’s latest offering demonstrates a maturity for delving into issues and extraordinary sense of matching pace with events that will reward all who see it. Boy-boy-girl love triangles are nothing new whether gay or straight (e.g., The Dreamers); opening a film with a completely naked lost soul who will need considerable healing is also not a new narrative device (e.g., Saved by the Belles) and revenge more heinous than the crime has stimulated filmmakers’ imaginations since the dawn of cinema (unforgettably in Confessions). Here, Chung has successfully combined all of those elements into a marvellous concoction of just what can happen when “There is nothing covered that will not be revealed” rears its deadly head.
Found without a stitch and clearly traumatized into wordless silence, French foreigner Luke (Pierre-Matthieu Vital) is kept out of the insane asylum by Jiang (Gao Qilun), an instantly smitten nursing assistant whose brand of TLC may well be headed for very personal international relations as the ever-attentive Chinese rescuer ferries his unexpected companion back to his past.

Lan (Si Tu Yu Ting) Jiang’s date—one of the local police who helped fish Luke out of the river—is none too amused when it appears the exotic, mute stranger has captured her prospective partner’s attention. (The screen positively radiates on several occasions when Gao’s smile says more about the feelings between the two men than any line of dialogue could.)

Filling out the principal characters are a pair of Luke’s university chums who are both headed for careers in biology. Ning (Yu Yung Yung) seems to have spurned the amorous advances of the exchange student but can’t abide losing him to her current beau, Han (Jiang Jian). The nervous young man—like so many others of any race or nationality—wants to know just how his “gayness” was so readily sensed by his sudden Caucasian lover. No reply is given or needed as Chung silently answers another of his theme’s questions.

The drama is lovingly unfolded, employing many deliberately stagnant shots (beautifully rendered by Chan Chi Lap) that let the characters and audience reflect each step of the way, truly savouring or slinking away from those moments of truth. Completely at one with that thoughtful atmosphere is Sebastien Seidel’s original score where percussionist Karina Yau is note perfect—particularly her marimba artistry for the “road” sequences.
As the miserable climax takes shape, Chung’s ability to have his images speak louder than words fires on all cylinders. Ning exacts her pound of steamy flesh during a Christian church service where she is the steadfast, stoic accompanist even as the object of her scorn sings innocently in the choir. The shattering effect on all lives in the house of forgiveness, tolerance and love of all creatures is a cinematic knockout punch for the ages.

Hopefully, those on the cusp of understanding their own sexuality or that of their partners, will see this film before the all too common consequences ruin lives forever.

TrustMovies: ON DVD: SPEECHLESS -- This quiet, semi-silent melo...

TrustMovies: ON DVD: SPEECHLESS -- This quiet, semi-silent melo...: It has been awhile since Simon Chung 's early, full-length films First Love and Other Pains (1999) and Innocent (2005). Both were ...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Script writing 101

Super busy lately with writing the latest draft of my script. I finished the previous draft last September and hadn't really thought about it much since. After coming back from India last February, the urge to write gradually increased.

Then I met a young screenwriter, Joseph, and suggested that we collaborate. He's a devout Christian who teaches Sunday school and goes to church every week, so at first I thought he'd be put off by the homosexual content. But after he read the first draft, he seemed unfazed, so we embarked on this journey of collaboration.

From the very beginning, I knew this is a very personal story. It's not autobiographical, but I felt nobody could understand the sentiments of the main characters better than I, so I took a very active role in the writing. We'd meet and talk about plot points, then I'd go home and write, and show him the results the following week, and he'll give me feedback. Sometimes he would rewrite or add to certain scenes. Having someone as a sounding board was really helpful, and the weekly meetings provided motivation and momentum.

Yet the writing process was often slow and painful for me. Most days I could only do one or two scenes. But I soldiered on. I noticed that having a writing partner drastically improved my writing. Discussing the scenes with someone else helped me visualize them better, and made them less one-dimensional. Joseph was always full of good humour, never judgmental about the characters or my ideas.  All in all one of the most enjoyable writing experiences I've ever had.

Thursday, May 16, 2013



但我感覺到素食有年輕化的趨勢,所以稍有特色的新派素食店都往往座無虛席。星期日我去了尖東的Woodland印度素食,多年前還在冠華中心時已幫襯過,這次再去居然要等位,客人除了印度人和洋人外,還有為數不少的本地華人,這是以前很少見的。另外昨天去一間兩夫婦主理、出名service不好(主要是只有丈夫serve,而他很明顯不是做開waiter的)的樓上cafe茶禪。這裡每晚提供兩素兩葷的set dinner,上個月中去過一次,一個月之後menu也沒變過,而且食物質素普通,但卻坐得滿滿的。第三間是有多間分店的大自然素食,在旺角始創中心那家星期五晚及假日一定要等位,而且吵得像街市,但食物質素是最有保證。九龍區的素食店長期爆滿,中環的Veggie SF 也好不了多少,我去的那晚近九時許仍坐滿了人,枱與枱之間的距離超近,鄰坐那對男女打情罵俏的內容清晰可聽。


Tuesday, April 30, 2013




Monday, April 22, 2013

等了個多月,我的第一雙Sole Rebels終於由非洲運抵本港!

有一次在BBC看到創辦人Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu的專訪後,便深受這公司的環保和可持績發展哲學感動。Sole Rebels的鞋都是用有機綿和麻製造,鞋底是循環再造的舊輪胎,所有用料都是在工廠方圓幾公里的範圍內取得(不過不知省回來的碳排放會否被空運抵消?)。而Sole Rebel的工人的工資是同業的三倍,還享有醫保和教育津貼。


若我有任何做生意天份,一定會把Sole Rebels帶來香港。它已在台灣開了幾家專門店,但有點奇怪,不是在台北開,而是高雄、台中及台南!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Once upon a time I felt so identified with my books. I felt anyone could walk into my apartment, take a look at my collection of novels, non fiction, film texts, travel books, catalogues from film festivals that have shown mt films, journals and get a pretty good idea of who I am.Since the last satsang, I no longer identify myself with these books, so when I came back I had a strong urge to get rid of them. I cleared out 40-50 books, mostly novels I will never read again and biographies of people I'm no longer interested in, and donated them to this charity drive, now in effect till March 24. http://www.go.asia/%E6%9B%B8%E5%87%BA%E6%84%9B%E5%BF%83-%E5%8D%81%E5%85%83%E7%BE%A9%E8%B3%A3/?lang=zh-hant


Monday, March 4, 2013

Life is here

My first short was called "Life is Elsewhere." All my life I've been waiting for my life to start. I tell myself, when I make my first feature, go to a major festival, win prizes, fall in love, my life would begin. Many of these things happened but I was still unsatisfied, still waiting for life to happen.

After attending Dolano's intensive satsang, I feel like Ive woken up. The last satsang is a 5 week intensive investigation into the true nature of being. Letting go of my wrong vision means not looking elsewhere for fulfillment. It's all right here, right now.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

In case you think I only post the raves, here is a damning review of Speechless, written by a Toronto critic after its screening at Inside Out. The only consolation is that the same critic also trashed Keep the Lights On, one of the best films, gay or straight, released last year--in my opinion.

After much delay, the Hong Kong edition DVD of Speechless came out last month. Purchase it at Yesasia.