Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I found Jimmy Kwok
Through the magic of the Internet, I finally found the legendary Jimmy Kwok. Turns out there's a fan site devoted to his voice dubbing work on TVB, voicing such classic animated series as《聖鬥士星矢》、《櫻桃小丸子》、《美少女戰士》. That site listed his current email address, and by sheer coincidence he was actually on his way to Hong Kong when I wrote to him. So we finally met on the top floor of the Four Seasons Hote yesterday. He hadn't lost his sense of humour, but he seemed to be at a crossroad in his life. He had decided not to pursue a master's degree in social work, but found it difficult to find a good job with his current degree. I asked him whether he still wanted to do theatre, and he told me that it had always been a hobby rather than a career for him, a way to party with his friends. He was pondering a move back to Hong Kong, but his boyfriend's architectural career was already well established in New York. As night began to fall outside, I sensed a certain frustration in his voice, perhaps even bitterness. I hope things work out for him. He should come back and do more voice-over work and re-launch Jimmy's Corner Theatre Company. His fans miss him!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Home Song Stories
最近陳沖在金馬獎獲最佳女主角的影片 Home Song Stories,是澳洲片,導演是華人導演Tony Ayers. 九年前我隨短片《史丹利》跑影展時已留意到Tony的第一部自傳式紀錄片China Dolls. 取材自他作為同志華人在澳洲的成長經驗,拍攝風格有異一般紀錄片,以形式化的手法重現他的過去,幽默又具創意。後來我把China Dolls跟幾個半唐番同志短片包括我的《史丹利》、Raymond Yeung的Yellow Fever和Quentin Lee的 Fall 1990 結集成VCD,叫「4X香蕉同志」,封面取自Tony的短片 (順帶一提,「4X香蕉同志」在影意志的網頁有售!) 洽談短片版權時一直與版權持有人,即澳洲電影局聯絡,一直到幾年後Tony的首部長片 Walking on Water 在香港國際電影節播映時才有機會跟他見面。Walking on Water的故事圍繞著一個愛滋病患者的家人和朋友,在他死後怎樣面對他的死亡,拍得真摯感人。我記得當時他跟他當副導的男友一起出席放映後的討論會,事後跟他們談到澳洲電影工業的狀況時,他男友說Tony現在在澳洲已頗具盛名,不愁資金開戲。
果然他下一部作品Home Song Stories的製作規模更大,請來陳沖當主角,重現60年代的澳洲。影片取材自他自己的家庭和童年,說一個在上海的夜總會當歌手的母親,下嫁澳洲水手後帶同兒子和女兒到彼邦生活的故事。此片除了為陳沖取得金馬獎最佳女主角外,Tony的劇本也為他在澳洲的Australian Film Institute Awards中奪得最佳劇本獎。
Monday, December 10, 2007
Jimmy Kwok
Spent most of the day trying to track down Jimmy Kwok on the Internet. Turns out he's living in New York City, had just completed a BA at CUNY, majoring in theatre arts and psychology. From the picture, it looks like he's eating a lot of nourishing American food and not going to the gym much, probably because he spent his time studying, for while at CUNY he won a string of academic honours and scholarships, and even found time to write an English play called "Longing". After receiving his BA, he was accepted into graduate programs at NYU, Columbia and Hunter College. But the trail turns cold after 2006, so I have no idea where he ended up going. Does anyone know?
Friday, December 7, 2007
雖然我唔係讀中大, 但我一直對CU既印象都唔錯既
讀左咁多年書, 尊重場合連小學生都識la, 仲有D學生著住袍黎拉banner, 好以D陀地咁
講真, 黑社會喊打喊殺, 講拳頭, 你唔怪得佢, 因為佢地個background係咁, D norms係咁
但係大學生搞到好以D爛仔咁, 無論背後有咩理由都唔可以接受!
點解中大會收左D咁既人??...我知CU仲有大部分既學生係識是非黑白, 而唔係只識得搏出位既, 不過好可惜, 已經因為一D不知所謂既人而受到影響
頭先有線新聞影到有人好傷心咁同D示威人士理論, 我睇到個心都好唔舒服
難委0個個什麼發言人仲好意思話"荒謬", 唔知佢地居心可在, 搞到大家咁唔高興, 畢業生一生人一次既畢業禮(尤其是拎第一個DEGREE既人)蒙上污點, 呢D唔係"荒謬", 係"合理"嗎?
一句SORRY可以大晒! 個儀式俾D人ruin左, 咁又點計....?
我今天沒有去畢業禮,只能在這裡對那些學生說: I'm proud of you. I'm proud to be a CU graduate.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Midnight Oil
Congrats to Peter Garrett, formerly the lead vocalist for Midnight Oil, on being named Australia's environmental minister. Here's their mega hit from 1987, the very ahead of its time abo-anthem Beds are Burning. He looks exactly the same 20 years ago!
Now when will Bono become the president of Ireland?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Spreken ze deutch?
Innocent is coming out in Germany. What a pretty DVD cover!
The little blurb seems to say the film is poetic and "wunderschönen"--wonderful?
I hope it'll sell enough to finance my next film!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
選民都是自私的,投你一票時都想知道 what's in it for me. 以我的選區為例,其中一個候選人的口號是「始終係你嘅好幫手」,另一個是「望夫石下,上馬」(因為他姓馬),最後你猜是誰勝出?這樣說當然是馬後炮,又ignore左好多其他因素如政績等,但亦顯示民主派的一個問題,就是往往著眼一些大原則(如民主是絕對好的,就如陳太的口號:請投良心一票),往往忽略了民主政制的基本遊戲規則:說服選民what's in it for them.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
最近開始了casting的工作,其中一個男孩很可愛,幾乎是love at first sight,他一進來不用開口我已覺得他很適合,希望價錢談得攏吧。拍了幾部戲,也沒發掘過什麼演藝奇材。主角中只有第一部短片《別鄉》的Oliver有繼續演戲,在imdb有一個演過一些電視片集的Oliver Williams不知是不是他。《史丹利》的Wes現在是芬佬(hedge fund manager),最近回流香港,幾個月前在CWB街頭碰見過。還有《心灰》的那個黃成業,現在已失去聯絡;《只愛陌生人》的Tim 在Aids Concern工作。
近日《蝙蝠俠》在香港取景,主角Christian Bale說他是第二次來港,第一次應該是二十年前,拍在大陸取景的Empire of the Sun的時候吧。究竟是史匹堡慧眼識英雄,看中了當時只有15歲的他的star potential,還是他演過史匹堡的戲之後得到更多注意和機會?也許兩者是互動的吧:有潛質和天份也要得到人家賞識才能發揮出來,而獲得重用才可使才華得到磨練,令演員變成明星。
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
End of an Era
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Fight it, homegirl!
Don't be a wimp! You have nothing to apologize for! Fight the charge, you'll win!! Stand up for freedom of expression, Douglas!
To send a message of support to him, click here.
Monday, October 29, 2007
World is Everything
屈指一算已是第五次看Sylvian的現場演出了,第一次是大專會堂那個Japan告別演唱會,第二次在Toronto,好像是Massey Hall, 第三次很特別 ,是backpacking時在意大利無意中看到Sylvian/Fripp的演唱會海佈,那晚專程坐火車去看的。最好看是日本東京那次,是in-between唱片的搵食tour,Sylvian很識做的唱了很多首本名曲,那次的座位和現場氣氛都超正。這一次又在香港跟他相會,去看的多是我這樣的熟男,都是支持他多年的超級fans,聽到舊歌大家都反應很興奮,尤其是他唱我喜歡的Ride ,那一刻我有點毛管「棟」,可惜感動一閃即逝。演唱會後我反覆的問自己,是否現在太老餅所以才覺新不如舊,還是他的新作無論在melody以至arrangement都不及以前?是否脫離了大公司的他沒有商業壓力,所以pop味更少?憑我在演唱會上聽到的,9 Horseshit, I mean horses, 實在淡而無味,我最後捧場的Sylvian大碟是Blemish,碟如其名,令我心裡留下污點!
Wonderful World
It'll Never Happen Again
World Citizen/I Won't Be Disappointed/World Citizen
The Day The Earth Stole Heaven
Playground Martyrs/Transit
A Fire In The Forest/Ghosts
Snow Borne Sorrow
Mother And Child
Atom And Cell
Sugar Fuel
Brilliant Trees/Before The Bullfight/Nostalgia/Before The Bullfight
The Librarian
[1st encore]
Medley: Every Colour You Are/Riverman/Every Colour You Are
[2nd encore]
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Currently reading
But can one believe in a God who is not the primer mover, the supreme designer, the creator of the universe?
What if God is not an old man living in the sky, but connected to a part of us, our spirits? Some scientists think consciousness is just a function of brain activity, but to me the strongest evidence it is something more is near death experiences (NDE). People who have no brain functions, who have flatlined on the operating table, for example, have reported startling lucid after death experiences that they are able to recall with accuracy. Some have suggested that this is merely the dying brain randomly firing off neurons, but if this were the case then everyone who have had near death experiences should have the same kinds of visions, but in fact only some do. Also NDEers have reported verifiable out of body visions, like blind people who can see their own bodies. One Dutch study on NDE that has been published in the scientific journal seems to verify its supernatural nature. These studies provide strong proof that we are more than our physical self.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
李安把關鍵放在演出這母題上 (我的theory 是:東方人善於戴著不同的面具做人,所以他們都instinctively明白這個角色的掙扎。)王佳芝的「愛國」情懷在舞台上被激發,當她大叫「中國不能亡」時引起觀眾的認同,這種演出帶來的intoxication是王後來加入刺殺陰謀的重要原因,所以李安把那一場戲設計在劇院裡,起初王一個人在舞台上徘徊,彷彿回味演出時的情境,然後坐在觀眾席的同學叫喚她一起商討大計。後來他們第一次約易太太去街,易太太與他們閒聊,演王的丈夫的同學結結巴巴,鄺裕民也緊張得木口木面(王力宏被批評演技生硬,但他演的正正是個彆腳的演員,一個「愛國學生」的stereotype),只有王佳芝應對自如,她是一個natural,遠超於其他同學,所以在那屋子中她被孤立了--留意那女同學望著王的表情,往往帶著幾分妒忌。電影跳到幾年後的上海,王一個人容顏憔悴地輪米,回到家後親戚在打牌,被摒棄於另一重要舞台--麻將桌之外。後來她再被安排入易家,第一場就是她穿戴整齊地坐在易太太後面看牌局,與輪米的一場成強列對比,一下子她的自信和glamour都回來了,風情萬種地瞄著剛回家的易先生。(她回歸「舞台」的過程也是循序漸進的,這一場她就像劇場裡的understudy。)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Lust, Caution
Finally saw Lust, Caution. Masterpiece!
Can't understand why Western critics panned it. New York Times said it is just "a sleepy, musty period drama". Village Voice called it a soap opera, that it is neither sexy nor thrilling. Is the blindness limited to American critics? Did it win the Golden Lion because of Chang Yi-mou?
The mind boggles. Is it because they are unable to appreciate the film's ambiguities, the fact that one is never sure about the characters and their intentions? Mr. Yee is not your typical villain, nor is Wang what one expects of a patriotic heroine. Up until the end she remains an enigma. When the Lee-hom character turns to look at her, she refuses to turn his way, but instead stares straight ahead , as if to confront her own mortality. During their first love-making scene, Yee ravishes her violently, almost raping her. But Ang Lee ends the scene with a shot of her lying alone in bed, a half smile on her face. Is she savouring the experience, or glad that she's finally succeeded in seducing him? The film is full of these wonderfully suggestive moments.
Ang Lee has taken Eileen Chang's sparsely written novella and managed to craft a purely cinematic masterpiece out of it, once again proving that he is one of the greatest film directors today.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
矢 志 不 渝
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Paris squirming on Letterman
Saturday, September 29, 2007
I've just reading this book that Lawrence lent me. It's written by a psychiatrist who was treating this young patient for a host of psychological problems including recurring nightmares and a host of phobias. He's been treating her for 18 months using ordinary therapy techniques, but nothing worked. Then he tried hypnosis. The patient to recall with minute details her past lives, going back thousands of years. As she began to survey these past lives, it becomes apparent that her phobias such as fear of dark rooms and choking are related to past life experiences in which traumatic events took place. More astonishingly she began to speak in other voices, the voices of 'master spirits' who guide us both in this life and the next. The masters tell the psychiatrist that we are put here on earth to learn lessons, that the people we come into contact with in this life may have been known to us in the past, and that we are constantly working out karmic relationships with these souls. This idea that one's soul travels through many lives building wisdom is a wonderfully attractive one, humbling yet life affirming at the same time.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Guilin Trip
My happiest moment on the trip was when I took this picture. I'd arrived at this roadside restaurant after hiking for a whole day through the river valley. The hike was quite easy by Hong Kong standards. The paths were flat and well trodden. But it was quite long--20 km, and the day was scorchingly hot. All along the way bamboo raft operators and touts kept pestering me to take a raft. I refused them all, so I felt quite proud of myself when I arrived at the end of the journey. It was around 4pm. I guess since it was neither lunch nor dinnertime the owner made no effort to serve me. He simply invited me to take a seat and left me alone to enjoy this rare uncommercialized corner of China.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Islamic School
Sanjog is now studying at the Islamic school in Tuen Mun. He has to take a bus from Shumshuipo every day. The other thing I'm not too happy about is that he probably won't learn much Chinese. 80% of people of South Asian descent in Hong Kong is illiterate in Chinese. They are relegated to menial jobs like construction and security guards.
If the department's policy is that children of non-Chinese speaking families be integrated into the local school system, then why was Sanjog's father simply sent away with a list of English language medium schools? On the other hand, would the person at the Education Bureau got Sanjog a place at a local school if his father had insisted? It's as if there's a vast conspiracy to keep the poor in its place, with the active involvement of the underclass.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Executive Producer
但Executive有決策人或manager的意思,如Chief Executive行政長官,相對於執行是較高級,如行政長官定下的措施交由部門執行。
而在荷李活, executive producer往往是唔使做的一個,在很多製作中是個虛銜,用來安置一些重要人物,如劇本/小說的版權持有人,又或者是片廠派來監控一部片的studio executive,在片場通常是Producer話事,那個studio executive 只是偶然落場看看而已。另一種executive producer 則負責搵錢,跟片廠/發行傾成個production deal. IMBD 網的glossary 說executive producer "is a producer who is not involved in any technical aspects of the filmmaking process, but who is still responsible for the overall production. Typically an executive producer handles business and legal issues." Executive producer 在片場沒有實際工作,所以很難跟執行二字扯上關係。
香港電影很少有Executive producer,因為通常大老閭是出品人,沒有其他人需要安置。而港片中的執製(執行製片)較接近Associate Producer 或Production Manager,負責安排有關制作的一切事務如搵景搵演員埋班安排器材等,位置在製片之下。而Executive Producer 無論是傾deal或虛銜那種,職級都在producer之上,不信的話下次看電影時不妨留意一下邊個個名出先?比如近期很賣座的Transformers, 導演是Michael Bay,Executive Producer 是史匹堡,片子是史匹堡當老闆的Dreamworks製作,若說史匹堡任Michael Bay的執製是不是很好笑?
這爭議最後那個贏?當然顧客永遠是對的啦。不過話又說回來,那個列有executive producer 的電影是香港/中國製作,可能大家都說chinglish,同聲同氣,反而譯作執行監製更接近那個人的職務也說不定。
Thursday, September 13, 2007
煽 情 片 的 大 原 則 是 「 可 惜 」 , 但 怎 樣 為 之 可 惜 ? 那 是 看 著 一 個 人 逐 步 步 向 死 亡 , 不 是 他 幸 福 結 婚 , 然 後 一 出 街 仆 低 被 車 撞 死 , 你 只 會 覺 得 他 戇 居 , 不 會 覺 得 他 慘 , 慘 的 是 你 看 著 他 快 要 死 , 但 仍 不 停 掙 扎 , 想 逃 過 死 亡 的 命 運 , 卻 偏 偏 逃 不 了 。
舉 例 , 寫 一 個 人 患 絕 症 死 , 爾 冬 陞 就 撞 到 新 火 花 。 《 新 不 了 情 》 中 袁 詠 儀 的 癌 症 病 人 , 她 是 樂 觀 的 , 你 看 著 她 快 死 , 但 她 努 力 掙 扎 , 很 有 生 命 力 , 這 才 慘 , 日 日 攤 在 床 上 唉 聲 嘆 氣 等 死 的 主 角 , 只 會 令 觀 眾 睇 到 。
現 在 觀 眾 進 步 了 , 你 好 朋 友 中 槍 , 在 你 懷 中 死 去 , 這 不 會 煽 情 , 是 要 將 情 緒 掌 握 得 恰 到 好 處 , 有 環 境 反 差 才 夠 慘 。 一 個 患 絕 症 的 人 , 幾 時 死 才 夠 慘 ? 就 是 他 有 希 望 醫 好 的 一 刻 , 那 知 噗 一 聲 瓜 了 ; 明 知 他 就 死 就 死 , 果 然 死 了 , 你 就 不 會 覺 得 他 慘 。
今 次 是 《 元 憶 錄 》 最 後 一 回 , 滾 滾 長 江 東 逝 水 , 回 想 從 前 香 港 通 俗 文 化 稱 霸 全 球 , 是 自 由 競 爭 氣 氛 。 這 幾 年 來 , 我 們 逐 漸 失 去 電 影 和 電 視 劇 霸 權 , 大 家 想 想 近 年 創 辦 的 台 灣 《 蘋 果 日 報 》 , 以 香 港 《 蘋 果 日 報 》 為 藍 本 , 都 打 贏 所 有 台 灣 報 紙 , 可 見 香 港 人 的 厲 害 之 處 , 正 是 從 激 烈 競 爭 中 走 出 來 。
故 此 , 香 港 娛 樂 圈 倒 退 的 致 命 傷 , 翻 版 並 非 主 要 原 因 , 真 正 致 命 傷 是 沒 有 人 才 , 以 前 人 才 由 電 視 台 培 訓 出 來 , 自 從 無 線 壟 斷 後 , 人 才 被 扼 殺 , 亞 視 又 不 爭 氣 , 強 弱 懸 殊 。 官 僚 統 治 下 , 往 時 創 作 人 員 大 晒 , 現 在 是 行 政 人 員 大 晒 , 陳 志 雲 的 專 長 是 甚 麼 ? 我 不 知 道 ; 樂 易 玲 也 不 懂 創 作 。 這 樣 下 去 , 娛 樂 圈 自 然 死 , 然 後 香 港 人 返 內 地 拍 戲 , 但 內 地 又 有 意 識 形 態 管 制 , 很 多 東 西 不 能 拍 , 於 是 戲 就 不 好 看 。
和 內 地 合 作 拍 戲 , 是 激 死 你 為 止 , 內 地 審 批 電 視 劇 後 送 來 的 評 語 , 我 看 後 當 堂 笑 出 來 。 你 說 我 這 樣 寫 , 在 意 識 形 態 上 不 對 , 我 接 受 , 但 評 語 是 「 這 場 戲 的 男 女 主 角 是 不 是 可 以 浪 漫 一 點 ? 」 喂 ! 你 教 我 寫 劇 本 ? 點 浪 漫 呀 ? 咁 你 寫 啦 ! 你 只 是 負 責 審 查 咋 , 真 被 吹 脹 , 所 以 近 年 內 地 電 視 劇 的 質 素 才 會 漸 走 下 坡 。
Monday, September 10, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Sanjog's B'Day
Sanjog's '10th' birthday party, although he's really 9 by 'our' standards. I loved the way they made an effort to decorate the place and invited everyone they knew to come. I'm glad I asked Ivory to come so at least I had someone to talk to.
The school term has started but as of today Sanjog is still not enrolled in school. Li Cheng Uk is full, and his dad is considering sending him to Delia, which costs $2000 a month , or a Nepalise school in Yuen Long, which makes even less sense. I'm trying my best to persuade him to send Sanjog to Primary 3 in a Chinese school, because that's the only way he could integrate into HK society, and gets the chance to work in jobs other than construction or security in the future.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Oral defense
Update: The oral defense went really well, aside from my inability to form complete sentences and the fact that I stumbled badly on some of WC's questions. WC's 9 year old daughter was present, and at one point was playing with the newspaper rack, causing a ruckus. I thought that was hilarious, and it put me in a more relaxed mood. After my presentation HG was gushing with praise, even saying it is publishable. LK had to practically calm her down, basically saying calm down, it's just an MPhil paper. Usually the supervisor has to try to defend the student and fend off critics, but in this case she actually had to do the opposite.
Friday, August 24, 2007
這天訪問了黃修平新片《魔術男》的演員和導演,包括我一直很喜愛的楊淇。那天她很準時,比約會時間早了十五分鐘到達Kubrick,自己一個靜靜坐在一角看書。我上前介紹自己並談談訪問內容,她表現得很cool,誰知道魔術男Anjo 出現時她又展露出開朗好玩的一面。原來他們倆很friend,我安排他們一起接受訪問,他們一起不斷開玩笑又玩魔術,令訪問生色不少。很少看到演員之間有那麼好的chemistry,希望在銀幕上也看得出來吧。
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Sanjog's back!
Sanjog's back! Except for a pair of retro glasses, he looks exactly the same as a year ago.
His family has moved to a bigger apartment, which they share with two other Nepali families. His mom and dad have both found jobs, working in the same field as before, except his dad now works the day shift, so Sanjog is home alone during most of the day. Looking forward to spending more time with him.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Mr. Kam
Interviewed tv/movie legend and fashion victim Kam Kwok Leung at the agnes b gallery in Wan Chai today, where they have a punk photography show in association with the new Julian Temple film about The Clash's Joe Strummer, to be shown at the Arts Centre some time this month.
As a condition for letting us use the space, the interviewee has to wear agnes b clothes, which Mr. Kam did with great pleasure. He donned a black PVC jacket with shiny black pants, no doubt as a punk homage .
Kam talked about his appearance in the Quentin Lee film 0506HK, to be shown at the upcoming Asian Film Festival. See picture below. My theory is that Kam lost his sense of humour sometime in the late-80s, about the same time as Edward Lam. Maybe they lost it in the same place?
Monday, August 6, 2007
On the set
Helped out on J's shoot over the weekend. This is the first time I get to light a scene. I'd almost forgotten about key light and fill light, like the two can't come from the same direction, duh! But as the night wore on, it all came back to me, and in the end I was quite happy with the results.
Watching another director work made me realize how hard this job is. You must have a firm vision, and know how to get the most out of the people you work with. You have to think on your feet, and constantly come up with good ideas every day on the set. It takes smarts, talent, patience, perseverance. No wonder only very few people in the world can earn their living as a director.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
不知為何,當年的社交生活都圍繞著維港,又想起其他逝去的landmarks: 巴西咖啡、海運大厦樓下的超市、星光行那個整糯米磁的人。還有海洋中心有間試音室,當年很多音樂發燒友每星期都會去聽唱片,一班人坐在黑暗的房間內聽完一整張搖滾唱片,現在說出來都覺得有點匪夷所思的一個活動。
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
還有一樣很annoying的是訪問的段落中間,訪問者不斷加入自己的意見和見解,有些很無厘頭,像這一句「雖然校內常有低年級女同學主動上前要求認識小曹,但小曹都未曾對自己的性取向有所動搖」--彷彿性取向是一種需要堅守的信念。另外在變性人Lenny的自白中間,又不斷加插《木蘭辭》,硬把代父從軍與變性劃上等號,十分攪笑,做訪問的都是文化研究的同學,難道沒聽過要 let the subaltern speak?
Saturday, July 28, 2007
特別喜歡陳容的《墨龍》,其潑、塗等技巧不正正是abstract expressionism 那一套嗎?但比人家足足早了七百年。米友仁的《瀟湘奇觀圖卷》用的點墨,也比pointilism早了九百年,而且沒Seurat那麼 gimmicky,意境也高幾皮。李嵩的《骷髏幻戲圖頁》,簡直是Hogarth再加荷蘭十七世紀流行的vanitas,畫中賣藝人與傀儡、姊姊與弟弟、藝人與妻子等幾組人物互相對比輝影,既表達生活的無奈又不失幽默,實在是難得的傑作。
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Silent Worship
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Ugly Betty
Now that I am in full-on thesis writing mode, Ugly Betty is my only source of entertainment. This is simply the best show ever--smart, funny, heart warming and so fast moving I have to watch every episode twice to get all the jokes and references. Today I saw the pilot, which I missed when it first aired. The writing is just incredible, it tugs at the heartstrings without being manipulative. The part where they made Betty stand-in on the photo shoot just made me cry! Plus Justin looks so young and adorable! Shows like this make me wonder why people like me should bother making crappy indie films, when there are entertaining, thought provoking shows onTV every week.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Saturday, July 7, 2007
In praise of 任達華
Monday, July 2, 2007
Sunday, July 1, 2007
First of all I love the period details in this film--the brown coloured sets, the newsroom filled with rows of desks with typewriters, Chloe Sevigny's flower-girl hairstyle, the chance to see Jake Gyllenhaal in a Brokeback style checkered shirt, but Zodiac's whole is less than the sum of its parts. It's basically about a guy who's obsessed with a serial killer, plays amateur sleuth and digs up so-called evidence about the case, then writes a book about it. That's it. He's never in any kind of danger (unless you count heavy-breathing prank calls), he doesn't under go any changes throughout the film, nor do we understand why he's so interested in the case. It's almost as if David Fincher, after making his name with the ground-breaking Seven, decides to do an anti-serial killer film twelve years later.
It's not that the film is boring or unwatchable--far from it. Every scene is meticulously crafted and full of suspense. Yet none of it adds up to much, for the film doesn't go anywhere. We already know who the alleged killer is half way through the film. The rest of the film consists of various false leads and red herrings as the Gyllenhaal character tries to prove his case.
The irony is after seeing him go through all that trouble, the case doesn't seem all that convincing. If the killer really was Leigh, then why did the police fail to uncover a single piece of evidence after searching through his trailer? In real life the police actually subject Leigh to a 10 hour polygraph test, and he passed it. So no handwriting match, no fingerprint match, passed polygraph--yet the film still insists he's the killer! Before the final credits, there's also a title that says a DNA test performed shortly before his death failed to implicate Leigh!
To make up for the lack of story, Fincher had to resort to hackneyed suspense movie tricks to keep us interested, like the scene where Gyllenhaal goes to a suspect's house and hears creaking noises above, but it turns out to be nothing, or he is alone in the house and a shadow passes by the door--cue scary music, and--his wife enters. In real life the Gyllenhaal character spent years digging up 'evidence' and got two bestsellers out of it, but the audience has to spend 153 minutes on this film and all we get are cheap thrills.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Creature Comforts
Thursday, June 21, 2007
A friend
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Is Global Warming Real?
The salient facts are these. First, the accepted global average temperature statistics used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change show that no ground-based warming has occurred since 1998. Oddly, this eight-year-long temperature stasis has occurred despite an increase over the same period of 15 parts per million (or 4 per cent) in atmospheric CO2.
Second, lower atmosphere satellite-based temperature measurements, if corrected for non-greenhouse influences such as El Nino events and large volcanic eruptions, show little if any global warming since 1979, a period over which atmospheric CO2 has increased by 55 ppm (17 per cent).
Third, there are strong indications from solar studies that Earth's current temperature stasis will be followed by climatic cooling over the next few decades.
Click here for full story. Is global warming just middle class guilt or is this some oil industry funded propaganda? So confusing!Wednesday, June 13, 2007
im memoriam
Susan, Asia-phile extraordinaire and coolest mom, as she appeared in a scene from my smash hit Innocent, cast against type as a devout church goer...Getting up at the crack of dawn on a Sunday to be an unpaid extra...Providing shelter and companionship for wayward young men....I'll always remember your kindness, your generosity, your sense of humour and your stoicism. Rest in peace!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
很多寫劇本的年青人總以為悶哼哼便代表有深度,或者故事出自個人經歷便一定真摯,其實深度是要經過宏觀的反省才能引起觀眾共鳴,而藝術往往是經過很高技巧的創造才能反映capitol T的Truth。Tarkovsky,Bergman等大師的作品,哪個不是精雕細琢?但沒有人會說這些作品虛假,因為他們把自身的經歷提鍊成為更大更universal的課題,比如Scenes from a Marriage靈感來自Bergman自己的婚姻,但卻道出男女關係的真諦。
Robert McKee說過,角色不是真人,對白也不是日常對話。自然是演繹的一種風格,不要以為把一大堆「今日煮乜野餸好?」之類的對白放進劇本便代表自然。
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
The resurfacing of Chris Carl Chung
In Form 1 he's known as Chris. In Form 2 he changed his name to Carl. In Form 3 he insisted that we call him Chris Carl Chung, but we ignored him and called him by his Chinese name, 鍾兆基. Half a lifetime later he's resurfaced, and is called neither Chris nor Carl, but Cecilia. All this time I had assumed that he's dead (not altogether unreasonable, considering that he moved to SF at the height of the gay plague). But in fact he's a post-op transgendered gal living in San Francisco, working as a human rights commissioner. According to F, who had just visited him there, he's the same as before except he's wearing woman's clothes and make-up. Plus he's now got a brand new pussy--what balls!
Monday, June 4, 2007
周末看了甘小二的「舉自塵土」,說個關於中國農村基督徒的故事,但不是福音電影。女主角小麗是個貧農,丈夫得了矽肺病,女兒的學費沒著落被迫退學。她為了生計協助村裡的惡霸在政府預備起鐵路的地上起房子,打算騙賠償費。後來教友為她籌得生活費,她馬上中止丈夫的治療,把錢用來付女兒的學費。片子以客觀的角度描述小麗艱苦的生活,沒有批判她間接弒夫,就如導演說,「審判是上帝的事情」。If only 明光社也有這樣的胸襟。
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Think for yourselves
在張翠容的blog內跟她討論中大學生報事件,作為一位資深記者,她的論點出奇的保守。她說:「 我只感到中大學生報情色版的文字也實在太下流,難道我們要保護這些下流的文字嗎?」
我的回應是引述Voltaire的名句,"I disagree with what you say, but I will fight to death for your right to say it."--每個人都有表達自由,不能剝奪別的的表達權,那怕你本人多麼反感也好,才是自由社會的精神。
不過今天想說那句很出名的quote原來不是出自Voltaire之口,而是來自一本1906年出版的Voltaire傳記 The Friends of Voltaire, 作者是 Evelyn Beatrice Hall,那個quote不是說話,而是一個單引號內的characterization: 'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,' was his [Voltaire's] attitude now. 但後人把這句說話廣泛流傳當作是Voltaire的「名句」。Hall 後來說是paraphrase了Voltaire在Essay on Tolerance 說的 ``Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too.''
Sunday, May 27, 2007
今年香港傳媒報導康城的手法比以前進步不少,往年每逢有華人參與的作品都被吹捧成為影展大熱,得獎呼聲最高云云。其實大部分記者都不會(或不懂)看電影,評判在頒獎前也不會對外說什麼,所謂大熱只是記者道聽途說,或瞎猜出來的。可能經過幾次這類預測落空後,今年的報導比較踏實,沒有一面倒撐王家衛,和至少給人知道這個世界除了華人外還有其他人,好像今天蘋果訪問了麥聖希和黃國兆,分別品評了幾部影評盛讚的真正大熱作品如Coen Brothers 的新片《No Country For Old Men》、羅馬尼亞新導演Cristian Mungiu的《 4 Months, 3 Weeks And 2 Days 》和Sukorov的《Alexandra》等。
另外值得一讚的是有線記者陳貝兒,她在《Ocean's Thirteen》記招質問Soderberg為何片中角色醜化華人,問到他口啞啞很牛B。另外陳貝兒又很難得地訪問到木村(日本management出名排外,她在背後肯定花了很多功夫才獲得這訪問。)而木村又不負眾望,訪問中很charming,還很flirty的在陳的手掌心寫字,整個訪問娛樂性滿分。但這女孩非池中物,希望接她棒的像她一樣努力吧。